“See A Beautiful Family”– Actress Yetunde Barnabas and Husband Olayinka Solomon Spend Lovely Moments Together

Yetunde Barnabas

Yetunde Barnabas Olayinka aka Miss Pepeiye, a well-known actress, producer, and beauty expert, has posted wonderful pictures of her husband and daughter, Gemma, on her verified Instagram profile. The actress flashes back to their romantic times in Abuja while sending love emojis. She stated: “Return me to Abuja, please. We enjoyed our time “. Fans couldn’t help but fawn about them and leave lovely comments. Ijebuu, Seiilat, and Benzemaa, three well-known celebrities, sent love emoticons.

Understanding each other’s limitations and strengths is essential to a successful marriage. The couple at the top of the list for movie enthusiasts is Miss Pepeiye and her husband. They’ve been happily married for over a year, and they frequently attracted attention when they showed their passion in public. Olayinka, her husband, looks after her well while playing forward for a Czech club. She was given a pricey car as a push gift a few months ago. There isn’t a better way for a guy to express his gratitude to his wife for the gift of a child than what he did.